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Sunday, September 16, 2007

MAM blocks in progress....and so it goes

A quickie post, just found a picture of some of my MAM blocks....!!!!! But I purposefully picked the strips that were similar.Of course many of my scraps ARE the same colors. I refuse to buy imported American fabrics...when I can use perfectly good...South African geometrics!And they are in limited colors...brown, navy, red and deep green. The thick, heavy schwe-schwe also comes in burgundy...but it has to laundered so many times to make colorfast and softer!I avoid it. But these will go with some orphan navy and gold stuff from several other quilts! That I pulled out of the cupboards last week. Haven't started anything concrete..but it will come in time. IT HAS TO!!!!!


Finn said...

Hi Coleen, your MAM blocks look just wonderful!! I can't think of anything better than using what is at hand, especially in the country where you are living. I'd love to have the african fabric scraps to us. Nothing wrong with it being of a different weight. Our brains are just 'brainwashed' into thinking of quilt making as being one certain way...and that's JUST NOT TRUE!
Great job...don't despair, you are doing wonderfully!
The Baltimore blocks look or not! And is it a possibility it might just be the batteries?? The corners of my pics begin to blur like that when my batteries need changing. I finally just bought re-chargable ones!
Hugs, Finn

Libby said...

Wow - love those blocks and the beautiful fabrics, too. There is a vendor at one of our quilt shows that sometimes sells the fabric you talk about. They show it in it's original state (for sale) and what it is like after washing. I've not purchased any, but have wondered how many times I must wash it to achieve the softness of the sample.

Lauren The Artist said...

I cannot believe I missed this post. (its already Oct 1st) Those blocks look great! I hope it grows to be a huge quilt. ~jen~