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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Finished Baltimore Cherry Block...whew!!!

Ok, finally finished the last cherry on the cherry block....thank goodness, before my fingers turned into nubs! And we have an all day class on determine where we go from here. I have started another one....called the 200,000 dollar tulip, don't think you could pay me that much to do it again. I am going to attempt a heart shaped...flower block as my next "independent" project. Only have a couple of months to get this I can hopefully have Noluthando, hand quilt as much as she can get finished of it before Bob leaves. I think I have decided that he can bring it to me. I am thinking of bringing back the batting from the states for this one.Get a warm and natural batting.Jen, may have to let me know where I can get. Will look for a quilt shop in the US when I go in Nov. At any rate, glad to be finished with this Baltimore block. My stitching has improved...but still not great! I am enjoying it more than at the beginning...and I love the colored background that I found at the Fabulous fabric mart, Jen took me to in South Korea. Just wish I could make one more trip???!!!! Shame, but I will use up every little piece of the stuff I did get! That place was wonderful. It has turned cooler here....I fear we are in for a cold front from Capetown. It is coming into our rainy season...usually Sept and Oct. is when most of the rains come....unless we get a hail Nov. They seem to be the really stormy months. Then little to no rain for a long time. It reminds me so much of WEst Texas, with the long dry summer...after the storms of Spring! The photo is sideways...forgot to rotate it before it was saved to the CD, But you get the gyst. You can see my ginger blooming in the background.It smells so nice outside right now. I am looking forward to sewing with the girls tomorrow, we meet every week, for tea and laughing! They are all retired...or have been retrenched ( made redundant) so we sit around for a couple of hours to do whatever someone feels like doing. Many are avid knitters....and I have been gifted with some beautiful socks....I adore! Since I have only every knitted scarves or a pair of mittens...many years ago....I am pitiful at knitting. But I so admire the intricate things they still knit. One of the girls has knitted king sized blankets! made on needles that looked like sewing needles...they were so thin! I am in awe of the skill these ladies possess. I need to learn how to follow a pattern...since I have never learned how to read a knitting pattern. Just know the basics.And that isn't much!