Sweet Finn, from Pieces from my scrapbag...I don't know how to add the sidebar shortcuts... tagged me for a Me-me(explanation is on her Sept. 30 post) but I use the initials of my name to describe me????? May have to think on that...the L is EASY!LOUD!!! But I have to think.
C-challenged by perfect piecing...*&%$*
O-optimistic...the glass is never less than half full....for me
L-loud ( though trying to tone it down)
L-laughs a lot
E-enjoying every new thing I get to see, do or experience
E-excited about coming home to the US soon!even just for a visit.
N-never dull.....EVER
I'd like to tag someone else...but have to work out the SIDEBAR challenge first!
My husband and I went to the Indian ocean this past weekend...and went to the Wild Coast of South Africa.It is called the Wild coast as much of it lies within what used to be Traditional homelands. It is not very developed, and we drove a long way on dirt roads to get there. I mention this as it rained most of the weekend. I did enjoy the peace and quiet, not many people there, and some gorgeous scenery. I did cut strips...on Friday and some more on Sat. Am hoping to go to the camera shop tomorrow...so I can share some of the photos....from the past week or two actually. We have traveled two weekends in a row now...and I am glad we have a wedding and a 70th birthday to attend this weekend. Maybe I will get some more things done. I am actually going to do the hand flowers for the wedding, and have been asked to teach a scrapbook class this week too. So it will be a busy time.
I decided to share this photo...which is pretty much self explanatory. But let me say that I have often gone to this used furniture shop...and never noticed these things standing up against the side wall....until this particular day.
I will also say that now .....I think I have seen everything in this country! I mean....it really was a ONE STOP SHOP!!!! If you know what I mean!!!!! YIkes....coffins in a USED furniture store!!!! Now if I could only get a good photo of one other wild crazy thing...... sure there is something else I haven't noticed before...that would make me smile!
Hi Colleen, what fun!! Thanks for doing the me-me! I think it just lets people know a bit more about you..*VBS*
I'd never think you were crazy....LOL...nutty maybe?? but not crazy...a wild woman? yup! I think so.
Your weekend trips sound like fun, adventure and then some! But home time is nice too. Love the used furniture store picture, including coffins...quite unusual I'd say...LOL, wonder if they they really are "used"???
I'll be stripping along with you on Friday, as time allows. WIll feel good to get some of it cut up!
To add something to your side bar, go over to your template page...same page as posting is on, look up at the top for 'template'.
Then click on the framed section that says 'add a link'. It will bring up a page of choices of what kind of item you want. Choose the one that says links, not the one tha says 'list'.
When that window opens, you will see a little box with the http:// and then a blank space. To link to me(for example) type in finnleah.blogspot.com/ right behind the http:// There will be another box below for the name that will show up on your side bar. In that one, type Pieces from my scrapbag.
On the first one it probably doesn't offer your a little 'save' box, but if it does,click on save. THen scroll down to the bottom and click on "Save Changes. Do nothing and the page you are on will disappear and you'll be back at the page you started on. Scroll up to the top, and you'll see it says "changes saved". At that point you can click on "view blog" and check your side bar. The link should be there. Clidk on the link to see if takes you to the added place. If not double check your spelling, etc.
It's pretty easy once you do it a couple of times..*VBS* Hollar for me in email if you need more help. Hugs, Finn
Yep, thats really funny. Caskets in a USED furniture/stuff shop. I tell ya...
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