Ok, My very clever DD in law, is offering a free download of her invention,
Seamingly Accurate. A wonderful tool to assist with consistent seams for any type of sewing...but designed specifically for her quilt patterns. Click the link and download...and what a gift. I have always been challenged... with consistency in seams... and this little gismo is great. She wanted to have it produced in a clear cling to stick to your machine... but the companies wanted a bit too much to produce.... but hey.... free to me is great. Hope you all try it and give her website a look. I already downloaded mine...and am about to put it on my machine.
This is a picture of our gardener in South Africa, wearing an OKLAHOMA STATE shirt we gave him, its the Professor's and DD's alma mater. I took the photo and forgot about posting it. My husband says I have forgotten, we don't have Majuba anymore...as we went to the store the other day to get the last of a few bedding plants...not much to pick from...and I brought them home...and laid them out on the flower bed...and left them! He said , I guess we'll get Majuba to put them in? I couldn't speak Xhosa, Majuba's language...and he didn't speak English...so we put things out and did lots of pointing!

I have also included a little shot of my little side garden...and you may notice the infra red beam( black) box... we had installed to ward off nightime visitors! *S* They also have exposed plumbing pipes outside their homes...no idea why. It doesn't get cold enough to cause problems I guess...but it sure seemed cold to me when it was below freezing. The black burglar bars... just seem to slow down a determined criminal...as they kicked through them twice when breaking in. I think the burglar got such good stuff the first time, he HAD to come back a second time. After the burglar system was

installed...we had no more break ins...just sirens in the middle of the night... cause they didn't know about the beam. I have almost finished my unpacking, of course I keep saying that...but it seems to be true! I had to add this picture of Charmagne, a wonderful street vendor, I shopped at her little sidewalk stall all the time. I miss her smiling face, and seeing what new stuff she might have out. This stall was on my way to the fabric store.

..so I saw her quite often. The next photo is the rest of my lounge, I adore my Korean quilt rack and the screen I bought there. Just need to get my South African paintings, another pillow or two...and hang a quilt and it will be done. This is an old 60's house... and I do like the neutral feel you get in them. Someone remarked on the Pottery Barn feel...no...just lots of garage sales and flea markets. I do love the old junk. Even the sofa came from a yard sale. Since the professor put me on a budget...and I didn't keep much furniture...it was what we found... just wish I could have been here for their big ...FREE trash day. They say you can really pick up some cool stuff by the roadside....and I do have a pickup!!!! Have a great day...and check out that seamingly accurate freebie.
Sounds like a handy invention. I need to check it out. Thanks!
My town has what they call "amnesty day" for garbage once a year. Folks can toss out as much as they want for three stickers. It is a blast to go driving about! I go with my dear Dad (who loves this kind of thing) and I have found some amazing stuff! Antiques galore, just about anything--I've found original framed watercolors (and I mean nice art!), antique trunks, glassware, cool odd chairs....now all I have to do is wait 'til October!
Hello Colleen - it's nice to meet you. I love the Korean quilt rack - it's perfect behind your sofa. I visited Starkville a couple of times when a friend was teaching there. She has since moved on but I remember a really good restaurant that served fried green tomatoes! Blessings, marlene
Thanks for posting a link to my seam guide. I hope many quilters and interior designers get much mileage out of it. ~jen~
What a fun invention!
Love your Pottery Barn look . . . all the better to find it a bargain prices *s*
Hi Colleen, thank you for stopping by, I don't think I would find all the creative and nice people if they didn't stop by or happened upon them. Your adventures sound great and I know you are probably ready to get settled. I need to put a list up of things I would like to get finished like you did.
Your blog looks so interesting. I'm glad you stopped to visit me so I could find you. Looks like you are getting settled in nicely.. I will stop back again to see how you are doing.. and what you will probably start making when you get to your sewing stuff. :-)
Hia Colleen thanks for visiting my blog. My what an upheaval you've had. I hope your paintings turn up. How awful that your parcel was ransacked. I wouldn't hold your breath on the SA postal service doing anything.
I'm big on buying in charity/good will shops. There are so many wonderful things which just need a home. I hope you get the roof fixed- is it just the flashing come away?
Best Wishes
Raises her hand, it was me! I said your house had that Pottery Barn feel! It does and it's wonderful, I must tell you that we here at the Bunny household are huge fans of junk shops/garage sales/freecycle, in fact my favorite time of year is when the college kids in the area move home for summer especially near Harvard.
I hope you get your leak fixed soon, it's such a pain.
I;m going to download the program for that day I become a mater quilter, see ever the optimist.
thanks for leaving the comment on my blog. What an interesting blog you have. Such an adventure - South Africa to Mississippi. Especially love those baby photos -too cute!
thank you for the comment on my blog
it is wonderful to find new blogs to read I am getting a cuppa and reading yours now
hugs Beth
I love that Korean quilt rack - what a find!
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