I think Forrest's mother was right.You just never do know what you are going to get???? I have been so excited about my workroom..... that is until today.... when it began to rain ..... heavy!!!Yes, I have a stinking leak in my room...not too bad...but all along the edge. Now I can't think of a worse place...for fabric (thankfully all now safe in clear plastic tubs) and scrapbook papers... not in tubs! But safely covered with a blue tarp at the moment. The professor will have to sort.... something before I buy that longarm machine???!!! SHAME as they say in South Africa!!!!! It wasn't a terrible leak...just in corners... but that is enough. And it was raining very hard... for a long time. I was out there putting things on the shelf, and heard the first plop!!! But I will say...that not too much fell....just a tiny puddle...and rather know now than after I had put a machine out there. Maybe I can swap out the spare bedroom.... put the bed ...way far away from the leak... then I 'd only clean out the spiders when we have company, and put the machine in the spare bedroom????? It might work just fine. Don't think the professor will let me spread into another room.... I am too ashamed to take photos of my stash at this point... but what was I thinking? I did find about ....hmmmm..... 8 quilt projects in pro

gress....sad to admit the oldest UFO was from 1991, when my children were still in high school! This stack is in the spare room at the moment and represents

the quilt tops and flimsies I finished while in South AFrica. The room still needs paintings that are still stranded with the South African ship....somewhere beyond New York!!! There were three more...that I forgot were on the bed in Master, and hanging up in other parts of the house. I wonder if anyone has a UFO older than 17

years???? I do have an unquilted flimsy..that I hand pieced.... back in 1986 or so. I never quite got round to it. I did SAY I HAD HAND PIECED that top... about a double I think. THat is how I thought it needed to be done back then. Was I crazy!!!!????? Now
SWEET P over on her blog... made a challenge about organizing your self. I have always been organizationally challenged... but finally have improved a bit. I took the challenge. I don't have any before photos as she asked...since we ARE moving in just now...but I did manage a few shots of my little kitchen. I still have too much stuff, but weeded out quite a bit, and the first shot is of my everyday dishes, I dont' know why I always felt that I needed to have all umpteen place settings out, especially since the kids all live days journey away now, so I decided to only have half of them out. With the rest safely put up on a shelf( in a box) in the Utility room. It gave me a bit more room for sure. Then I stole DD 's way of storing all those stinking tupperware lids...by putting them all in a basket in the DEAD ZONE of the cupboard.I only have to pull out the stack of bowls..which I have out anyway to grab the right bowl. SHE is as organized as I am scattered. I did steal SWEET P's idea of the drawer...that only holds what you are using( you have 6 months to use a utensil..then its OUT!!) This is the tiny drawer that I have. My kitchen is tiny...but attached to a huge dining room. We are trying to get a contractor to give us a quote to build an island between them to give the kitchen larger feel. My little patriots live on an Air Force base...and everyday on the base they play the National Anthem, well

the kids were on the slip and slide...and they all stood up... and

put hands to their hearts.I had to grab the camera of course. So their pic is here...and can't leave out the others. The Princess was caught in the act....found another priceless one of her!
Then our youngest, the wee one... giving his HONEY a big smile. What lucky grandparents we are. Have a great weekend. It can only get better for me!
So help me, I have a hexagon UFO from 1983 sitting in the bowels of my stash cupboard.....
I take it out now and then and groan, and pack it away again! One day.
I hope you sort the leaks soon and can get your sewing room aranged!
The kids are super cute! (sure 3 are mine, but cute none-the-less) And that unfinished quilt from over 10 yrs ago... is it green and peachy with a sampler style going on??? Oh man!!! The house is looking great. ~jen~
Oh I do miss hearing The National Anthem everyday . . . even if I don't miss living on a base one little bit *s*
Honestly 6 months for a utensil and then it's out? *yikes* I have stuff that belonged to Mom and Grandma ,some I don't even know what it is, still couldn't possibly bear to part with them. In other areas I can be ruthless, but kitchen items just speak to me for some reason.
Oh, my! Good luck getting the leak fixed. Great that you were able to protect all your stash.
Enjoy creating your new workspace.
I'm enjoying the pics of your home, so glad you are getting settled in.
Oh,those pics of the grandbabies, soo sweet!
: )
What a great shot of the kids - they are all so cute!
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