We have been in the new house for just over a month... minus 5 or 6 days spent "ON the road again!" But I planned to use my workroom to put a long arm machine in...then found out the roof leaked. So.... we got a roofer in... and it has now been repaired...but I really hated the paint blob stained floor... so I decided that I would paint the concrete floor this coming week, when the professor starts orientation... and I love being with

him...but feel like the mother of triplets counting down the days until school starts.... and I really am counting down the days until school starts for him. He hasn't ever had this much time off before and that is an adjustment. Especially when coupled with a new place... and unpacking...and all the stuff you find out is wrong with your house... AFTER you move in! At any rate lucky me, he decided to take charge yesterday, and did all the painting for me.... what a dear.You shold have sen the boxes...er... piles of things ... out in my yard. Thankfully no rain yesterday. So I have a painted floor... did I mention he hates to paint!!! There may be a few thin spots... but it is done. A huge improvement. Again, I am so lucky he did it...as it would have taken me several days...to move all the ...junk.... er .... stuff...that is already in that room. It is only a work shed.... that someone else will probably want to do woodworking in someday...but to me it is a STUDIO. A place where I can cut out my stuff...and walk away and shut the door. This is one time I am happy that the Professor stepped in.

I felt like I had to share a few photos of Africa... I have been a bit nostalgic this week, missing the old...now that I am settling in with the new. But the pictures represent something I won't miss.... the queues at the Bank ATM's.... no drive thrus where we lived. The first photo is a pretty short line at one of the more remote ATM's...but the longer one..is taken at one of the local banks...and this is pretty typical of the queues in South AFrica.

I also included a photo of the strip piecing blocks I made...then the photo of the almost finished quilt I made with them..still have to add bright borders... but since I scratched through my friends leftover crumb/stashes ...and they are all in South Africa...will have to go through mine to find some bright things to piece my borders out of.

It was a lot more fun to do than I thought it would be. Since I don't use many brights... it was fun to use someone elses .... leftovers. Maybe when I get my room done... if someone wants to exchange leftovers... I found a drawer or tow of strips...from many projects. It will be fun to put them into something. NOW that I am attempting to get organized. Hope you all had a great weekend. I certainly did. Adn it seemed pretty productive...from a non-sewing point of view.
I'm glad everthing is starting to come together for you. Sound like a very busy time.
Wonderful! A studio and a painted floor to boot! I have just made strip blocks with African fabrics - they go quick and are fun (at first LOL)
ooooo.. your new studio is going to be wonderful! I would love a place like that. But in Ohio.. I would need some kind of heat in there...
Your strip quilt is adorable!! Nice bright colors!
Must be great to finally have a place at last, though the moving in and fixing up part isn't the most fun! I love your string quilt -- the sashing fits it so well!
That studio room is WAY bigger than I was picturing. Thats going to be awesome. Love the floor. ~jen~
I should do more string blocks, sigh. I am great at making blocks, I just have no idea what to do with them.
Your floor looks lovely, I keep thinking someday when we buy a house I would love an in law apartment so I can contain my mess. LOL We'll have to move away from the city for that though, which I don't know if I could manage but that painted floor has got me thinking.
Ah who cares what someone else might use it for . . . you have a STUDIO! *yippee*
G,Day, A new quilter am I . I came by this pastime as "been given" first I was given a bag of everything to make two hexagon quilts. Now I have been given a lovely stash of fabric some already cut out and a pattern. I have tentatively started as I have a fund raising project on at the moment. I think I will make blocks and then see how I go the strips look like my style.
I always make sure I have a book or some knitting when I go to the bank. Otherwise I go mental standing in those lines!
Love your strippy block quilt.
Oh, I like this quilt. What fun to use someone else's scraps and all. Why are the lines to ATMs so long?
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