As I sat on the deck with the Professor this evening.... eating our freshly grilled hamburgers.... I heard him exclaim.... oh man, my shoes don't match.... He had inadvertenly put one brown flip flop...with a mismatched flip flop. I wanted to take a photo....but he was way too embarrassed... so I decided to blog about it anyway. He is getting his doctorate...but can't always match his clothes!Shame! In fact one of our younger grandsons...insists on wearing his little crocs on the opposite feet. Now I dont' think I will wonder just where that come from! The same feet visible in the summer picture above from our last family get together.

I have finished several customer quilts.... and felt I had to share, this one is made with Karen Combs fabric, shade casdade.... very pretty, and I told my friend Katy, who made it as a wedding gift for her niece, sure wish I was her niece! It was a huge king sized quilt....what a great gift. This next one was made by my friend Linda who ma

de it for her
grandaughter, it was so cute...a turning twenty again pattern I think. This lovely rose quilt was made by another friend Marilyn, for herself, lucky girl. It is a pattern

from Deloa Jones Scraps Organized Book...wonderful book from what I have seen of it. I didn't quilt the next couple, but this lovely dresden plate was made by my friend Nancy, and quilted by her as well. Then this adorable Paper Doll, was made b

y my friend,

Luanne, what a dear little quilt. The incoming president of our guild, made this great Mississippi State T shirt Quilt for the new football coach, Dan Mullins.... it turned out great. I do love sh

ow and tell at Quilt guild. It always inspires me to get to work. Had to share this cute Apron from the Michael Miller schoolhouse....
love those colors. Then lastly.... as we are getting prepared to go watch Florida play at MSU's game in just a bit....will finish off with another color ways of Eleanor Burns Night and Day, that she shared with us

during tha

t schoolhouse class at the Houston quilt show. Have a great weekend. I am working on my latest class quilt.... the x block...it is addictive!!!
Just catching up after being gone for awhile....
The show in Houston sounds awesome! You were in some mighty fine company there. I would have been on the phone with everyone too.
Congratulations on the new little one. We, too, had a new one on the 11th with lots of hair.
I love the quilt that you just finished with the excellent color waves in it. Nice job on the quilting for it.
My mum did that once with shoes. She had two pairs the same style but different colours, one black the other brown. It was dark when she left for work so it wasn't until she got into the light at work that she noticed she had one black and one brown shoe on. Very embarassing coming home!
What lovely quilts! I love the shirt quilt so much!
You must have really enjoyed the trip!
Thank you for sharing all the beautiful quilts. I love looking at other peoples projects. It's so inspirational!
That is such a wonderful family photo in your header...so much happiness. I really enjoyed seeing all the quilts. Thanks for them with us.
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