Ok, I still haven't quite recovered from Houston...and The Professor isn't feeling well....but I have to share a few photos. Haven't checked out the Houston Quilt show winners...but did find out that this one won best of show....Wow was it a stunner. I wish it was in focus more.... I messed up about half of

my pictures...not sure .... why or
how....but this was done... with thread painting by Caryl Breyer Fallert. I took the very poor photo...and someone else took the other...to post on the APQS board and sent it to me in an email. It shows the amazing detail of her quilting. It really was wonderful. My favorite, may have been this wonderful Black

and white applique, which was really painted.... it is by Judy Coates Perez. I thought it was absolutely gorgeous. I don't know if it was a winner or not...but it was in my book. The quilting so inspired me..that I am about to embark on a Jacobean customer quilt...and may try to do a few extra things in there. It was so awesome seeing some of these up close. But I did forget to say that I got to attend Sample Spree.... and man was that a fun experience. The ladies started lining up at 4 PM, it seemed like more than a thousand..but maybe high hundreds.... although it didn't begin until 8PM....the vendors inside were

setting up their booths with wonderful goodies to sell. This was the ART Gallery Fabrics booth.... and
my talented DIL worked for them during the Market. Aren't those little bags, filled with everything necessary to make a project, adorable??? NOw the ladies from the line up, were kind of like the "Brides" trying to get into the GOWN sale...... that we have

all seen on tv.....they burst through the doors when they opened....looking for those bargains. Some of these ladies were much nicer than others.....but all in all...don't think anyone was seriously infured...no biting, kicking or tackling other quilt ladies to the ground. And it seemed like a pretty fun time to me.
Weren't you a lucky girl to get to go to Houston. I have enjoyed reading about everyone's experience and seeing all the great booths. Thanks for visiting me!
What an experience it must have been *s*
Oh my gosh yes- to say Sample Spree was insane would be an understatement.
Here is a link about the quilt you mentioned:
What a wonderful display of quilts. Those art quilts are wonderful!
Greatly enjoyed your photos. Isn't Houston amazing....and Sample Spree, so much fun. Hoping to go next year.
Isn't the quilt with the lady on it just wonderful! I took a class from the quilt maker many years ago. She does have a particular style and makes wonderful quilts!
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