What a great country we live in, I am reminded daily of the freedoms we enjoy, and so appreciate all of it.I know I am so fortunate to live in a clean community, with safe water to drink, one which is relatively crime free, where I can walk at night without fear, and am never afraid of the noises in the night! Something I will probably never take for granted again.
Well this month has flown by, not enough done, more plans that I'd like to get accomplished...but I am so thankful for the blessings in my life. In the past month or two, we have reconnected with friends from over 35 years ago, seen our two youngest grandchildren reach new milestones, first birthdays, walking, learning new tricks and DS2 and his Emmikins are expecting another bundle for us to love. Life is pretty grand at the moment. Have to share, a photo of the Professor in wonderment at all the bees buzzing in t
he trees
while still in bloom. Then my friend showing the table topper she made and I quilted for her. She also did a charity quilt which I quilted for her. There is also a photo of another friends "Farmers Daughter" quilt.... I adored the colors of this
scrappy quilt. I had the privilege of quilting it for her.