It seems to be time to return to quilting. I have been piecing a simple turning twenty for DD, which has just been quilted on the frame and delivered. and working on a stack a posie, and another sister quilt. The professor and I have actually gone to see True Grit, the scene in the cave scared me to death.... I had to cover my eyes! Our son sent us a couple of games for Birthday and Anniversary gifts, so we have been playing those as well. He has just successfully defended his dissertation proposal....so now is officially a Doctoral candidate. Woo Hoo!. Its crazy to think that we have lived in Mississippi for about 2 1/2 years now. We had a very cold spell here, snow and all, no photos... but the kids here sure enjoyed the snow day, and making all those snowmen. I had a valve go bad in my studio...and water began spewing from under the sink, but luckily, I had just gone out there when it started, no damage, I called my hero to come home and help...and stood in the doorway sweeping the water out. I had fabric to throw on t

he floor to create a mote, and very little water didn't go outside. He managed to shut off the main water valve, then get the defective part repaired. So thankful. I guess all those days under freezing was just too much for the shut off valve to handle. My most exciting news is that I just finished quilting a small quilt designed by DD in LAW1 for a magazine, I believe it will be in the August issue of Quilters World, along with the larger version which I also quilted.Can't share photos until the issue is printed. But very fresh and fun quilt. My DDIL has a quilt in this months Quick Quilt magazine, I didn't quilt that one. And in the April issue of Quilter's World she will have a bag or tote. She is so busy. jEN, our Resident designer...also has a book coming out soon. Can't wait to get my very own autographed copy! Life has given me so many blessings, I adore

my wonderful family, and my Grandchildren are divine! We had so much fun with them over the holidays. In Fayetteville, AR we went to see Christmas lights with the Princess and little True, they even rode in the Cinderella coach on the square. The lights were so much fun, we had cotton candy, and it being DS2's Birthday, ate a decadent mud slide dessert at the Market Street restaurant. Yum, I could go for one right now!Then on to Oklahoma for a visit with my mom in law. That was fun as well. We then headed up to Ka

nsas to see another set of Grands, and they being a little older, its a whole different set of things to do. We did a Cookie house, and Elisie Pie made cookies for Santa, there w

ere games every night, and silly hats!!!! Even Grandbob gets into that act. And our sweet little Wee One and new little LuLu, we went to see them recently. Their dad has just deployed, the Wee One is missing his daddy, so DD ordered him a Daddy Doll, made from a photo of his Dad in his
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