My sling is off... for most of the day... Dr. approved! I start a little rehab on the shoulder... just light until the collar bone finishes healing...but I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I hate not
being able to drive...but really couldn't do any turns safely... with one arm. It is getting old being stuck...with nothing but my thoughts...reminding me of everything that I'd like to get on with. Have to share one photo. taken by my dd in law. She thought it as funny as me. Since we live in Starkville, Mississippi, this is a TAXI(???) that sits in the parking lot of one of the shopping centers. Never seen it on the road...may have to call for a ride...just to prove they really drive it! dd' in law's photo of my lovely grandaughter doing free motion quilting. Can't wait for her to test drive my long arm... she is getting so grown up!