As I write, the children are still up and playing Rock Band least their parents are! We are enjoying the festive time with for breakfast we made doughnuts.... and
they kept out a few doughnut holes for Santa. Then DS1 made Turkey Gumbo for supper...while the Professor made his enchiladas for tomorrows Mexican fiesta dinner. DD is en route with her family and mom in we will have a full house for the next couple of days. I wish I could say we have finished everything I had planned...but no... I still have a Christmas gift to hem... and will need to wrap all for the kids. But not too worry.... my pies are baked...and candy and the house smells good. Wish you all a joyful Christmas....I will try to blog this after the kids have been put on their pallets for the evening. So I can post a
t least one picture.

(DD and her hubby as the elf and his reindeer)
Okay we have had some silly traditions In our home...but ever since I was a kid, we always received Christmas eve pajamas...and of course , it all started when my parents were gifted with a movie camera.... My mom was so proud of it...she immediately began photo-ing...the family on Christmas morning. Now we had about 9 kids at the time...I think I was about 10. And we waited for the film to be developed....and my folks purchased a projector...I think we even popped popcorn to watch our home movies! My mother was horrified after the first 3 minute see girls in boys pajamas..and vise versa, and some missing bottoms...and a patch here and she made a decision that every Christmas we would get new pajamas on Christmas eve so there would be no more ruined home movies. Unfortunately we discovered the next Christmas that some of the bedwetters.... would have to wait until the morning to put theirs on! And a tradition is born. OVer the years.... my own family adopted this tradition...and we began to collect the odd Christmas hat.... or two...and before we knew it... we now have a rubbermaid tub full of hats...which everyone rummages through to decide which hat will be perfect for that particular Christmas. It changes every year and as the grandkids have emerged onto the scene...we now let each choose for themself....the kids always have to see who can go through the tub first in order to get the best pick ..... had to share the extended family hat photos!
Our designer her bobblety hat......
And Pobbs and Elisiepie styling for the camera.....
right:Ryno, The Wee ONe and the other grandma, and DS in law
left: DS1 and Pobbs in yet another of his hat choices
left: DS1 and Pobbs in yet another of his hat choices
. DS had to sport his College Alma mater hat...but then so did the Professor.The children decorated crowns to wear at Christmas breakfast.... and also note that DS has on his very own Nelson Mandela bar bQ apron. That was a hit fr
om our Africa stash stuff. I had to prove that I was so good I didn't even open my gift for the SSCS swap early...and have documented the fact pictorially. I can only say that I was blown away by my swap partner. Those pictures will be posted in the next couple of days. Lynn from Australia was my partnet...and I was truly gifted way beyond my expectations! Will post, when company is all gone. We had 11 people in the house...and it was wonderful!!!! It will be hard to go back to just us..... again. When everyone leaves. It has been such a fun time. The grandkids woke us up about 5:15 AM and by 8 we had eaten breakfast and the kids were all playing happily. The gran
dbabies all had matching Pajamas this year...and all the girls had team shirts and the guys matching ones as well....a bit cheesy...but again lots of fun. I trust you all had a blessed Holiday with loads of fun. I did get a bit of sewing in...finished a quilt top that my daughter did... forgot to photograph.???? and a dear little table topper...then worked on DDin laws quilt....she did one of her own on the machine...and so enjoyed the process. Have a few more to get to, and more churning away in my head! Its almost new years...and I'd really like to knock out a few more UFO's. More ...later.... maybe much later!