Well, we had a fun time in East London, I didn't win a million, but did get to eat ice cream, see two movies...and have a nice meal. I actually had two ice cream cones!Shame, but we went straight to Woolworth's to get Bob's saltine crackers...now that is still crazy to me, to have to drive two hours...through cows, goats, sheep.....literally. They are always in the roads here. Apparently, although very valuable...they pretty much graze anywhere they want to....with very little supervision. And when you are driving about 125 K (80 miles) per hour,and come round a bend on the Highway...and see cows....you don't argue with them! The sign above....warns to be cautious of.... cows/animals for the next 180 K, about 110 miles....and that says it all. You drive at your own risk...from animals, pedestrians, and very crazy drivers! I would like to note that while driving up to Durban....about an 8 hr drive from here....on a very good day...with light truck traffic...I was shocked to see the number of pedestians on the Toll Interstate type of highway!.....Yikes, I was even more shocked to see vendors selling....golf balls, veggies, and anything else they thought people might stop to
buy! My dear husband pointed out...that they wouldn't sit there...if people didn't stop to buy! So it must be so! Had to add this out of focus photo of the Offending ....vendor I actually caught as we drove by 85 miles per hr. Very crazy! have a great day....and enjoy those UNEVENTFUL trips in the car!
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